Hushd Temporary MAS Device & SleepCare App


The Hushd Mandibular Advancement Splint is a temporary and adjustable boil-and-bite device that allows users to trial a MAS solution prior to committing to a permanent device. With the support of the SleepCare patient app the patient can access instructional videos, sleep hygiene tips and be connected to a local sleep dentist. Clinicians can track their patient’s progress through the ResDent Clinician Portal.

Product Highlights:

  • Hushd MAS devices are available in two sizes:
    • Hushd – appropriate for most patients
    • Hushd Mini – suitable for individuals with smaller mouths or narrow teeth arches.
  • Easy to mold, boil-and-bite device
  • Fully adjustable lower plate for easy titration
  • SleepCare companion patient app
    • Can be used alongside both the Hushd temporary and permanent devices
    • Instructional videos for set-up, cleaning and morning exercises
    • Sleep hygiene tips and advice
    • In-app connection to a local sleep dentist
    • Available for iOS and Android
  • ResDent Clinician Portal
  • An attractive RRP and eye-catching POS display
  • TGA Approved.

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The Hushd Mandibular Advancement Splint is a temporary and adjustable boil-and-bite device that allows users to trial a MAS solution prior to committing to a permanent device. Mandibular Advancement Splints are a CPAP alternative that work by moving the lower jaw forward during sleep to improve airway patency.

Hushd comes in two convenient sizes – Hushd, and Hushd Mini.

With the support of the SleepCare patient app the patient can access instructional videos, sleep hygiene tips and be connected to a local sleep dentist. On conclusion of a successful 30-day trial, the user is prompted to schedule an appointment with a local sleep dentist to transition to a permanent MAS device. Clinicians can track their patient’s progress through the ResDent Clinician Portal.